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Everything About Racing Pigeons

    The McDonald Strain of Scotland


    Posts : 34
    Join date : 2009-07-03
    Age : 39
    Location : Up In The Hills

    The McDonald Strain of Scotland Empty The McDonald Strain of Scotland

    Post  Admin Fri Jul 24, 2009 12:52 pm

    Like the Vanbruaene strain whenever this family was mentioned in conversation or via the written word I thought of steel and I still do, in fact as an Aardenist I was first brought to the awareness of the Aardenist dynasty via the successes of Bob McDonald's pigeons. And that was not today nor yesterday.

    As a strain the McDonald's began in about 1965 and since then they have had phenomenal success at the long and marathon distances for their owner and for many others who have possessed representatives of this strain of endurance. The creator of the strain first became aware of the Aarden strain when he attended the Pigeon Olympiad of that year where he saw some pigeons which knocked him cold for he could not take his eyes off them. In fact so intense was his presence that the daughter of the pigeons owner a Mr Ko Nipius noticed and introduced the Scotsman to her father. There then began a lifelong friendship and the seeds where then planted for the appearance and the growth of the McDonald strain.

    Following their introduction McDonald and his wife were invited to visit Ko Nipius at his home in Holland. In due course they did and when there Bob McDonald sought to purchase 12 young birds and requested Ko Nipius to select them. Following upon this purchase in 1967 or thereabouts 11 squeakers were born in
    which 10 eventually were timed while still youngsters within 14 minutes of each other in a 254 mile race. They were on the wing for approximately 8 hours. Thus the beginning of a good pigeon racing career which lay the basis for the emergence of a great modern Scottish strain.

    While using the method of widowhood Bob McDonald has consistently won at Club and Federation level, in fact he has a record second to none inspite of flying into an area of disadvantage to pigeon racing. Timing birds at 653 miles at a more advantageous location McDonald's birds would have reaped at National
    level to an extent more than has been the case. It has been intensely inbred for many decades winning at all levels for others throughout Great Britain and Ireland including the prestigious Langston Cup for best averages at all national races of the English National Flying Club. As a strain it has scored at local and national shows winning numerous awards over the years. And it should be noted that it has scored in the land of the birth of pigeon racing itself having won 48th Belgium National from Concours as well as other positions.

    As implied if Bob McDonald had only made a decision to move to a more advantageous area then his strain would have equalled the reputation of other modern European strains. However I hope this piece will give honour where honour is due to a modern master of the sport and that which he has formed. Finally, as a scribe I have always referred to the difficult route that Irish pigeons have to face and overcome in their races from France especially into the North- West of Ireland, well I would put the fly into Frazerburgh on a near similar level.

      Current date/time is Wed Oct 16, 2024 7:31 am